today i wish i am better

been writing craps lately.
bila hati terlalu ikut emosi,
we tend to say stupid things,
without thinking of others,
paling bodoh bila setahun akan datang kau duduk dan baca,
rasa menyampah pada diri sendiri.


i am living life as it is now.
going with the flow.
trying to adapt with a new love story
and at the same time, i have to make sure i am still the same person in one piece.
not changing , not forgetting what i shouldn't,

friends, families, and foes.
i still keep all the list in my red book beneath my pillow,
so that before i went to sleep everyday,
i'll read it and remember each name and where i sectioned them.
wont make the same mistake mixing up friends and foes in the same row, or left out
the families.

till then.


Hopeless said...

i wish i have the same red book, just to remind myself, who's he, and who's her... btw, this one makes me stop hoping for a better tomorrow, i should be better today first, then later... with love, xoxo :)

y u z said...

"wont make the same mistake mixing up friends and foes in the same row, or left out the families."

THIS has been creating miracles to me since the last few months. All the best, Kareem!

Ahmad Arba'in Ali said...

i still think that "jgn nak overlah puki" is a great title though. haha.