gambar tiada kaitan dengan entry .. (gambar noh dengan ag busking at klcc tahun 2006)
today i dressed to my very best
and hoping maybe we could meet
but perhaps it's still not good enough
so i'll just go home
and change to my yesterday's outfit.
a boring tshirt
my yellow shorts.
and go to sleep.
and hoping ,
just maybe tomorrow would end up differently.
when im sad, i took pictures of happy faces
because they remind me how to smile
poladroid ke?
bipolar ke anda?
ape maksud kau dengan bipolar?
bipolar:having manic and depressed periods: characterized by shifts between episodes of mania and depression(Encarta,2006)
tak, aku cuma sebut pkataan yg guna 'polar'
aku ingt nak cakap kepolar-polaran. tapi bodoh pulak bunyi dia.popularity ke.
tapi aku sebut bipolar kasi nampak ala2 bijak sikit.
ke aku yg bipolar skrg?
abaikan. nway aku slalu kot baca blog ko. nice
shit...touching sialll :( :( ....fuck u.
did the yellow shorts make u feel better? i hope it did. i wear my knee high rainbow socks when i feel down and it helps. i now call them my happy socks.
may we have awesome tomorrows.
mardot : haha xpe2, i tot u ckp i bi.. ahaha
atek : aalallaa meh sayang meh sini
alia : haha ntah la. i kna try semua kat dalam wardrobe i, nak tau mana satu i punya happy socks/spender/towels/pants/bra hehe. thanx alia
when im sad, i took pictures of happy faces
because they remind me how to smile
haha.suka part ni
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